
We’re always thinking, learning and developing fresh perspectives. We push the boundaries of our collective knowledge to share industry and team insights and opinions that are relevant to the world of L&D.

Industry Insights

Our perspectives are driven by the way we impact the world of L&D. They come from a collective point of view that is shaped by past experiences, values, our current focus as well as an intuitive approach that prepares for the future. This space is a place for our team and industry partners to offer fresh and personal insights that add value to the world of L&D.

ATD24: Venus Williams – stay positive and love your life

HPC’s Head of Research, Justin Kinnear attended ATD24’s third and final keynote, delivered by Venus Williams, who took to the stage for the final hour of ATD24.   As the winner of seven...

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ATD24: Dan Pink – Five ways to navigate what’s next

HPC’s Head of Research, Justin Kinnear attended ATD24’s second keynote “Five ways to navigate what’s next”, delivered by Daniel H. Pink, author of five New York Times bestsellers.  ...

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Professor Brinkerhoff on Learning Transfer & Impact

At a recent HPConnect networking lunch, we were joined for a virtual fireside chat by Professor Robert Brinkerhoff, an internationally recognised expert in learning effectiveness and evaluation....

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Embracing In-Built Change

In a world where near-constant change is the new normal, HPC’s Justin Kinnear explores how a courageous and curious mindset helps to unlock our in-built change capabilities.    ...

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Right Kind of Wrong – Amy Edmondson

Last December, the HPC team had the pleasure of meeting Harvard Business School Professor Amy Edmondson at a private event in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin.   It was the eve of HPC’s...

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L&DI & HPC Sunday Times Article

Ahead of HPC’s sponsorship of the L&DI’s National Learning & Development Conference, the Sunday Times explores the theme of ‘reLearning for reInvention’ that will be at the heart of...

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ATD 2023 Conference – San Diego

David Storrs reflects on the key themes from his attendance at this year’s hugely insightful ATD Conference in San Diego.   Each year ATD boasts an impressive range of presentations, workshops and...

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The world of learning technologies

Perspective and insights from the annual Learning Technologies Conference and Exhibition event at ExCeL London.   Learning Technologies is Europe’s leading showcase of organisational learning and...

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Curiosity in a chaotic world

In a world of change and chaos, HPC’s Kevin Hannigan explores how curiosity might see us through.   Looking at where the world is now, it is hard not to think that it is in chaos. Unprecedented...

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The impact of technology adoption in L&D

When it comes to the use of technology in L&D, what does that refer to? How broad are we speaking? And how does it impact on the ground and strategically for the ever-changing workforce?  ...

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HPC & Aon Early Careers Programmes in Ireland Report

HPC, in collaboration with Aon, has produced a research report that offers key insights into the challenges facing employers who want to nurture early careers talent within their organisation.  ...

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IITD & HPC Sunday Times Article

Evolving with the times: learning and development for a world of flux. This was the focus of a Sunday Times Article on 6 November 2022, ahead of HPC’s sponsorship of the IITD Annual Conference....

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How team culture and dynamics can influence employee wellbeing

The importance of team culture and dynamics and why they should be at the heart of any leader’s outlook on employee wellbeing.   Meeting free days, click send later, walking meetings and a...

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Reconnecting Teams

Ahead of a fast-changing future, leaders need to bring their teams back together – with purpose, energy and through fostering a sense of belonging.   Through his work of helping organisations...

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Waving goodbye to an outdated way of working

When it comes to the world of work, we’ve been doing the same old same old for a long time. And it’s served us well.   But the pandemic has shown there is a different, perhaps better way of...

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Aligning Graduate Programmes with Organisational Culture

During our recent sponsorship of gradireland’s Breakfast Masterclass, HPC’s Head of Talent Consulting, Kevin Hannigan addressed the topic of ‘Aligning your graduate programme with your...

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Break the Bias – IWD 2022

In celebration and support of International Women’s Day 2022, a number of colleagues and contacts crossed their arms to show solidarity in support of this year’s theme of #BreakTheBias.  ...

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Creating a culture of belonging

Creating a culture of belonging. What exactly does it mean? How is it defined? What stage are organisations at? What challenges lie ahead?   HPC recently held a virtual roundtable discussion...

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LPI finalists in two categories

HPC has been nominated for two prestigious awards at this year’s Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) Learning Awards for its work with ESB, the largest generator and supplier of electricity...

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Q&A with Fiona Claridge

HPC Client Director, Fiona Claridge shares some views in advance of HPC’s sponsorship of the Irish Institute of Training & Development (IITD) Masterclass, // Leading Learning in a Changed World...

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HPC Blended Learning Report

HPC’s Blended Learning Report Examines and provides insights into how the Covid-19 Pandemic has affected Learning and Development Teams and the work they do....

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Nudge theory’s role in L&D

HPC’s Kevin Hannigan reflects on how small nudges can drive large-scale behavioural change and help produce metrics that convince senior management that L&D’s work is producing effective...

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The power of culture in the future of work

HPC’s Justin Kinnear reflects on the importance of culture – its place in organisations, culture’s response to Covid and the part it has to play in the return to work.   First and...

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Maximising Business Development in Post-Pandemic Times

Slowing Down to Speed up – As we slowly emerge from the pandemic, sales teams cannot conduct business-as-usual. HPC’s Paul Irvine presents this as an opportunity for sales and business...

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Anticipating the Future of Work post COVID-19 // Part Two

Part Two: Who is responsible for the shift to hybrid working?   As organisations share their ‘return to office’ plans with employees, HPC’s Head of Research, Justin Kinnear asks...

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Anticipating the Future of Work post COVID-19 // Part One

Part One: The myths, corporate commitment and government perspectives   HPC’s Head of Research, Justin Kinnear explores the myths, corporate commitment and government perspectives surrounding...

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‘Re-launching’ a team through Team Coaching

HPC Executive and Team Coach, Barry O’Sullivan explores some of the factors that impact team effectiveness and how team coaching can play a role in ‘re-launching’ a team and powering...

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Where is Coaching now?

We asked some of our coaches for their observations on the importance of coaching for individuals and teams as they enter a hybrid working environment and how well companies capture and communicate...

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Have coaching issues changed during Covid-19?

HPC Executive Coach, Tom Armstrong argues that despite the huge changes experienced during lockdown and home working, for most people, core obstacles, challenges and opportunities haven’t changed...

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Reflections on IWD 2021

In celebration and support of International Women’s Day 2021, we wanted to share the personal and professional views of our colleagues, clients and contacts on diversity and inclusion.   The...

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Taking Time to Reflect

A study conducted at Harvard Business School found that a daily 15-minute habit can increase your productivity and effectiveness. The daily habit is as simple as they come – making time every...

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Away Days in a Virtual World

Once upon a time (or at least before the pandemic), the Away Day was at least an annual occurrence and sometimes more than that. A chance to connect with your colleagues who you didn’t see on a...

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Maximising Graduate Engagement in a Virtual World

You have spent the time building your Employer Brand, spent years assiduously cultivating your profile on social media and have carefully recruited the graduates who you believe will become the...

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Recognising the Signs of Risk Facing Leaders Today

We are heading into the New Year with more COVID-19 measures in place in Ireland. What are some of the risk factors facing leaders in organisations in Ireland?   With each additional month that...

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Five Ways to Accelerate Trust in a Virtual World

Recent research from the University of Bath shows that trust in leaders remained high during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.  As we enter the next phase of living and working alongside...

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Reinvigorate Your Team by Doing This One Thing

This juncture in the COVID-19 pandemic marks a milestone moment. If the past six months were about coping with the onslaught of a global pandemic, for most of us, the next six are about...

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Start with Why – The Most Important Question for Learning Professionals

Amidst all of the focus on virtual delivery since the emergence of Covid 19, we run the risk of losing sight of the most important question we need to ask as Learning Professionals – Why are we...

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The Myth of 10,000 Hours – Practice Doesn’t Always Make Perfect

Much has been written in the last number of years of how 10,000 hours of practice can confer expertise. If this is true, then any of us should be able to become an expert at anything with enough...

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Planning Development for an Uncertain Future

What is the best way for OD professionals to plan when it’s so difficult to anticipate the future right now?   Planning and implementing change programmes is one of the pillars of...

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Lockdown Learning: What We’ve Learnt as a Team

In truth, we had no idea at first exactly how our clients would be affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, no more than many of them knew themselves. In these unchartered waters, one thing was clear,...

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The Meaning of Management post-Pandemic

Will “management” mean something different after the pandemic?   It’s already different.   According to numerous reports, managerial practices have already evolved throughout this...

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Three Strategies to Work Through a Pandemic

This global disaster is bringing out something different in each of us.   While business leaders expedite crisis management, working parents channel their inner pedagogue. Elsewhere,...

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HPC’s continued support through Covid-19

A message from David Storrs   As we all start to get over the shock of recent weeks and start to look forward, I thought it would help to share where we are in HPC and the direction we are...

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Purpose – A Living, Breathing Thing

‘Purpose is an ever-evolving process that touches everyone’, HPC’s John Hill explores the meaning of purpose, and how having purpose challenges and empowers people and teams within...

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The Changing Shape of L&D

In a world of technological advances, Justin Kinnear explores how AI might impact L&D.     Technology as a negative force   Humans have a long history of suspicion toward new technologies....

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The Power of Digital Tools as Enablers of Learning

If Learning and Development is to deliver on the agenda of the C-Suite, it needs to ensure that it is supporting the development of new behaviours and new capabilities. But 20 years on from the...

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EMCC 2019 Annual Conference Insights

hpc’s Tom Armstrong’s shares his perspectives of the EMCC 25th Annual Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision Conference 2019   The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) recently held...

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Internal Consulting Skills for L&D Professionals

A recent hpc, IITD and TLS collaboration to deliver Consulting Skills to L&D Professionals “The new realities where organisations operate in highly dynamic external environments and have to be...

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The Future of Collaborating with L&D Professionals

HPC’s Yvonne Farrell shares some of her Insights into the changing world of L&D Yvonne is passionate about her work and contribution to developments and strategic drivers within the L&D...

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Facilitator Focus on Deirdre Foley: A Positive and Active Mindset

In a world of personal busyness, family focus and client commitments, HPC’s Deirdre Foley believes that a positive and active mindset is key to her restoring balance and achieving performance....

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A Recognition of Trust; America’s Top Thought Leaders in Trust

Bob Lee’s expertise lies in how and why the world’s best employers use great workplace cultures to drive competitive advantage. Utilising his knowledge and harnessing it as a facilitator for HPC...

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Growing our Team and Delivering more Value and Strength

HPC has created a culture in which creative and innovative minds meet; where our people add their own unique value to our team and create a profound and positive impact on the clients they work with....

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High Performance Learning Journey: Lessons from Thought Leaders

For the past 40 years, Dr. Robert Brinkerhoff has been recognised internationally as one of the leading authorities on learning effectiveness and the evaluation of learning impact. Creator of the...

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Five Lessons we can Learn from Other Professionals

hpc’s Kevin Hannigan explores why Learning and Development Professionals should look to other professions for insights into how they might transform their practice. Last year’s IITD conference...

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What does this have to do with me? Making values real

If you really want to get value from your core values, you need them to resonate across the organisation. They can’t be just aspirational, beautifully crafted words in an annual report, or an...

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Our Philosophy

We believe that people learn best when they are fully engaged in the learning process. We place a strong emphasis on learning transfer theory, which encourages people to fully embrace the challenge and the process of change.

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Client Impact

We’re committed to creating an impact and capturing its worth. We use a number of evaluation tools to understand initial outputs and results; but on a deeper level, we work with your data to measure long-term impact and craft a deeper narrative of the value of organisational change.

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Our Solutions

Enabling leaders to develop an authentic leadership style, which inspires and motivates.

Building individual manager self-confidence and an ability to manage a team.

High-impact programmes that accelerate graduate development and build long-term career paths.

Developing the next generation of leaders as they make the transition to a more senior role.

Shorter programmes designed to meet specific individual and team needs across organisations.

An experienced panel of accredited coaches who support the development of individual performance.

Enabling the true power of senior teams through to achieve collective performance and growth.

Our adaptive approach to tailoring and delivering any of our solutions in the virtual world.

Ready to discuss how a partnership with HPC can advance your business?