Our leadership team coaching offering is aimed at enabling senior teams to achieve a sustained step change in collective performance and growth. It offers a highly adaptable systemic approach that is focused on helping teams be the best they can be.

Great Teams Consist of Individuals Who Have Learned to Trust Each Other. Over Time, They Have Discovered Each Other’s Strengths and Weaknesses, Enabling Them to Play as a Coordinated Whole.

Amy Edmondson, Harvard Business School

Our Observations

Through our work, we have observed senior teams that function adequately and deliver the required results; but who strive to achieve more collectively as a high performance team. All too often a team is a team in name only, with members focused on individual role responsibility and meeting division reporting targets. It likely has a wider pivotal role in the organisation but this may not be recognised or is only acknowledged by the token “away day” each year.

So, what’s holding it back from developing into a highly aligned and unified team, focused on a common purpose and delivering transformational results? Maybe legacy issues, a compromised team dynamic or established routines and habits are inhibiting the team’s true ‘collective leadership’ potential.

If teams are not achieving the success they should be, we need to understand why and respond by providing the right solution. Whilst “away days” and “team events” have their place, it’s the emerging “systemic” approach that is driving the latest thinking in senior team development and is embodied in our leadership team coaching solution.

Our Process

HPC’s powerful process can genuinely transform a team’s performance. By understanding the team operating system and valuing all perspectives within it, our team coaches can support a team – and its individual members - and challenge the way they function. Allowing time for reflection, we help them align and unite to be laser focused in their approach and outlook. This creates the shift in behaviour and skills that leads to a positive impact on results, greater cohesion in the group, and demonstrable team effectiveness.

We have researched, structured and implemented our leadership team coaching solution around a number of leading psychological schools of thought and our personal experiences of working with senior teams. While it is still an emerging field in academia and L&D, our approach is already delivering pivotal results.

Our approach to team coaching is based around our core strengths in discovery, diagnosis, design and delivery. But also, our deep commitment to helping your team transform the way they think and act, which leads to a significant and sustained impact on business results.

Team coaching is an intervention to help the team get in touch with its compelling purpose, break down individual silos and achieve its desired collective goals. Our aim is to help them change behaviour so they can perform at their best and be the best they can be.

Team Coaching addresses many important challenges:

  • Post-merger teams
  • A newly formed team
  • Underperforming teams
  • Teams in transition
  • Teams with new challenges


Our people come from strong operational background across a wide variety of business sectors. They use this background to create and deliver insightful, practical and progressive solutions in partnership with our clients.

Expertise Areas

Enabling leaders to develop an authentic leadership style, which inspires and motivates.

Building individual manager self-confidence and an ability to manage a team.

High-impact programmes that accelerate graduate development and build long-term career paths.

Developing the next generation of leaders as they make the transition to a more senior role.

Shorter programmes designed to meet specific individual and team needs across organisations.

An experienced panel of accredited coaches who support the development of individual performance.

Enabling the true power of senior teams through to achieve collective performance and growth.

Our adaptive approach to tailoring and delivering any of our solutions in the virtual world.

Ready to discuss how a partnership with HPC can advance your business?

Talk to our Team