During the challenging times of Covid-19, many of our clients continued to prioritise people development. As part of our trusted partnership, we worked with our clients to bring virtual learning alive and build organisational capability.
Regardless of the circumstances, our collaborative approach to client engagement is key. As each of our clients faced their own unique challenges, we partnered with them to ensure that their ongoing investment in their people continued to deliver results, even in the strangest of times.
Recent Works
Leadership Development @ Tayto Snacks
In normal or changing times, the same strengths are important to drive performance. Engagement; productivity and focus; collaboration and teamwork are all key indicators of successful leadership and remain valid throughout a crisis.
The L&D team at Tayto Snacks wanted to maintain consistency and momentum in the development of their leadership team throughout Covid-19. After a period of managing their own internal responses to the crisis and initial uncertainty about a virtual rollout, the team proceeded with the launch of the iLead programme, which was designed pre-Covid.
Fergal O’Connor applied his knowledge of high performance learning journeys to restructurethe design of the programme for the virtual world. Our approach to layered learning through our existing digital tools became even more important in the virtual world.
Content was adapted to remain relevant to the rapidly changing dynamics brought about by Covid-19. The process was also underpinned by our core digital learning platform - Promote, which enabled us to focus on adding context to content during the interactive virtual workshops. These factors ensured that the programme could be delivered with the same powerful impact.

"HPC worked with us to move part of our Leadership programme virtually, they were extremely flexible and supportive, taking all of our concerns into consideration. They helped ensure that everyone felt comfortable moving to the new environment, adapting programme delivery to maximise engagement and learning, which meant that the Leadership team continued to benefit from the high quality programme that we had promised.”
Annamarie O’Connor l People & Culture Director
Deepening client relationships @ KPMG
Client relationship management is more important now than ever. Companies that recognise the importance of understanding, innovating and adapting to client needs will build stronger relationships that will endure well beyond the passing of this pandemic.
Paul Irvine works with KPMG on an ongoing basis to strengthen its approach to client relationship management and business development. KPMG places great emphasis and value on their approach to building a sense of trust and loyalty with their client base and felt it was critical for HPC’s work in this area to continue during Covid-19.
In collaboration with the Business School in KPMG, HPC switched delivery mode to a virtual platform, which was seamless and embraced by the team. More importantly, it was critical that the content was adapted to remain relevant to the current challenges and opportunities posed by the changing environment. Feedback from this approach has been extremely positive.

“In what I can imagine was a very different environment to how courses are usually delivered, I think this was adapted very well online. I’ve been to a number of virtual courses and this one worked the best. It was very interactive, and I was engaged throughout. It highlighted the importance of relationships with clients, the different methods of engagement and the need to ensure communication is upheld throughout the year.”
KPMG Participant
Developing High Potential Leaders @ NTMA
Leadership and the behaviour of leaders became even more significant during the lockdown. Ensuring that leadership behaviours reflected the values of the organisation were key to ensuring that engagement levels remained high.
Yvonne Farrell works with the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) on an ongoing basis to instil high performance behaviours in their leaders. They wanted HPC to continue this work virtually, so that leaders could maintain a strategic focus and sense of collaboration with their own remote teams.
The current crisis was an opportunity to rethink and enhance our approach with the NTMA. With a strong focus on design, we reviewed the programmes to ensure that they were reflective of their changing world.
We adapted the content to ensure it was relevant to the NTMA’s current situation; cultivating the right skills to embrace new ways of working in line with organisation’s strong culture. The programmes also brought leaders together to share their learning from the crisis to forge ways to face future challenges and opportunities.

“The programme worked well remotely; it was nicely paced and fostered good communication and interaction between the full group and the breakout rooms. It was very interesting, challenging and engaging, given the current environment and not being able to be together.”
NTMA Participant
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