Executive coaching focuses on developing individual performance for the achievement of organisational goals. It is unquestionably one of the most powerful professional development tools used in the workplace, today.
Executive coaching has become a highly desirable offering in many successful organisations and is often viewed as a valuable retention tool. Our clients appreciate the value that their executives, managers and leaders bring to their organisation and actively respond to their individual needs by offering them executive coaching.
"Executive coaching engages with people in customised ways that acknowledge and honour their individuality. It helps people know themselves better, live more consciously, and contribute more richly. The essentially human nature of coaching is what makes it work."
Harvard Business Review
Our Coaches
We have established an experienced panel of coaches, which comprises former directors of large corporates from a range of sectors. This gives them the level of insight needed to understand the challenges faced by our clients. All are qualified and accredited through either the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) or the Association for Coaching (AC).
Each member of our accredited coaching team forges one-to-one relationships and bonds with individuals to achieve clearly defined development objectives.
The Benefits

Expertise Areas
Enabling leaders to develop an authentic leadership style, which inspires and motivates.
Building individual manager self-confidence and an ability to manage a team.
High-impact programmes that accelerate graduate development and build long-term career paths.
Developing the next generation of leaders as they make the transition to a more senior role.
Shorter programmes designed to meet specific individual and team needs across organisations.
An experienced panel of accredited coaches who support the development of individual performance.
Enabling the true power of senior teams through to achieve collective performance and growth.
Our adaptive approach to tailoring and delivering any of our solutions in the virtual world.
Ready to discuss how a partnership with HPC can advance your business?
Executive coaching is an investment not only in the individual, but also in the department, function and organisation. It acknowledges individual talents and potential and places an emphasis on developing people as the foundation of gaining a competitive advantage.
We provide executive coaching to support a range of themes: