Daire Coffey
Daire is a member of HPC’s Executive Coaching Panel. She is a highly experienced and respected coach and facilitator who works with senior executives and teams to maximise their potential to deliver enhanced performance and results.
Daire provides business mentoring, executive coaching and leadership development consultancy to both Irish and International clients.
Daire has over 25 years’ professional experience working at senior management level across many business functions. Prior to working in the training & development area, she was Managing Director of the Consumer Products Division within United Drug plc and previously held various marketing roles with Quaestus International and Enterprise Ireland (Dublin and Brussels).
Her expertise includes:
- High Potential Leadership
- Emotional Intelligence
- Communicating with Influence & Impact
- Managing Career Transition
- Strategic Business Development
- Women in Leadership

Daire is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin. She holds a Diploma in Executive Coaching from IMI (accredited by EMCC) and is a licensed user of various leadership psychometric assessments including Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), RocheMartin ECR Emotional Capital Leadership Assessment (inc 360) and BarOn EQi. Daire is also a Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and is a qualified Master Trainer (Master Trainer Institute, France). She recently completed the Chartered Director Certificate and Diploma with The Institute of Directors.
Daire co-authored ‘Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – A Leadership Imperative!’ published for the international audience by Management Briefs and a was a contributor in ‘Leadership and Change for the Health Professional’, by Curtis and Cullen, published by McGraw Hill International.
Daire is a member of the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Association), the IITD (Institute of Training and Development) and the IOD (Institute of Directors).
“I am passionate about learning and development. I enjoy inspiring and empowering individuals to raise their performance and drive positive change in their lives.”

We think differently
We push the boundaries for our clients by challenging mindsets and offering new ways of thinking. We’ll expand your thinking and offer a practical, pragmatic and honest approach to the design phase. We do this with one purpose in mind; to achieve measurable and lasting results.
Our Solutions
Enabling leaders to develop an authentic leadership style, which inspires and motivates.
Building individual manager self-confidence and an ability to manage a team.
High-impact programmes that accelerate graduate development and build long-term career paths.
Developing the next generation of leaders as they make the transition to a more senior role.
Shorter programmes designed to meet specific individual and team needs across organisations.
An experienced panel of accredited coaches who support the development of individual performance.
Enabling the true power of senior teams through to achieve collective performance and growth.
Our adaptive approach to tailoring and delivering any of our solutions in the virtual world.
Ready to discuss how a partnership with HPC can advance your business?