HPC partners with the Top 200 leaders across ESB as they develop a new culture of leadership behaviours to support their new corporate strategy.
Focus of our work
Leadership vision
Creating a performance culture
Leading change
Empowering teams
Creating a strategic narrative
Uniquely tailored to ESB's business context & challenges
Increased openness, trust and collaboration
Clarification of ESB's expectations of a future leader
ESB is Ireland’s longest established and most important energy provider, supplying energy to Irish homes and businesses since 1927. ESB has evolved since 1927 into a range of activities and services to meet the changing demands of users and businesses in Ireland and overseas.
ESB has moved from a place where it was the only provider of energy in the Irish marketplace to a competitive market with a decarbonisation agenda.
This has meant that ways of leading and managing at ESB that worked in the past needed to be updated for the new market realities. Changes in technology, in customer needs, and the impact of climate change all mean that the ESB of tomorrow will require a new form of leadership.
Helping managers and employees to let go of tried and trusted ways of doing things is a challenge in every business, but marketplace and environmental pressures require ESB to embrace change more quickly and more comprehensively than ever before.

Our Approach
We met with many different groups and individuals to understand the challenges they faced as they attempt to lead their business into the future. And we listened as managers identified what was missing, what was difficult or what was unclear about what ESB expected of a future leader.
The result was a programme designed to help senior managers understand where ESB was going and why and how to lead in this new future. We helped participants identify what was expected of them as senior leaders, how their current way of leading was working for them and how it could be made more effective.
We helped leaders to improve their ability to lead change and bring others with them on that change, by focusing on the mindset and skills they would need to apply in their work environment.

Tom McMahon
Manager Capability, Development & Resourcing, People & Organisation Development
HPC has partnered very effectively with us in progressing the transformation of ESB by designing, developing and delivering a suite of innovative Leadership Development programmes that have been uniquely tailored to our business context, challenges and needs. The co-creation of such learning solutions has enabled meaningful and impactful learning to occur by helping to shift the mindsets of ESB leaders in terms of the importance of engagement and performance conversations as a fundamental part of their everyday role and by developing skills that can be applied in that context. The delivery of these programmes by the HPC professionals has received very positive feedback by participants and furthermore HPC is working with us to assess the added value of these programmes in terms of our company’s competitive advantage, a focus which is becoming increasingly important and relevant.
In addition to Level 1 immediate reaction evaluation, we conducted a level 2-3 evaluation with a sample population 6 months after the programme. This showed a clear positive response that the vast majority of those participating in the evaluation had made a conscious effort to adapt their mindset as a consequence of the programme.
This shift in mindset typically manifested itself in an enhanced view of the role they played as a leader in the organisation. In addition, the evaluation indicated that the majority of participants took steps to change their behaviour as leaders.
Participants indicated that the programme had increased their tendency to particular behaviours i.e. the programme had led them to be “more” open, “more” trusting, “more” collaborative.
Participants were more likely to take responsibility for communicating with their team; take greater ownership of ESB messages, particularly difficult ones; and use a coaching style more frequently.

Every member of our highly experienced facilitator team has a strong operational business background that creates a cultural fit.
Learn MoreOur team shares our ethos of delivering insightful, adaptable and progressive solutions in partnership with our clients. Paramount.
Learn MoreOur team shares our ethos of delivering insightful, adaptable and progressive solutions in partnership with our clients. Paramount.
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We develop flexible, creative and engaging learning solutions that drive behavioural change. We have the capability to tailor and deliver any of our solutions virtually - individual coaching, team coaching, bespoke webinars or facilitated team programmes.

Our method of delivery to the virtual world may have adapted to suit current challenges, but our powerful approach to design, learning transfer and behavioural change are still at the heart of what we do.
Our Solutions
Enabling leaders to develop an authentic leadership style, which inspires and motivates.
Building individual manager self-confidence and an ability to manage a team.
High-impact programmes that accelerate graduate development and build long-term career paths.
Developing the next generation of leaders as they make the transition to a more senior role.
Shorter programmes designed to meet specific individual and team needs across organisations.
An experienced panel of accredited coaches who support the development of individual performance.
Enabling the true power of senior teams through to achieve collective performance and growth.
Our adaptive approach to tailoring and delivering any of our solutions in the virtual world.
Ready to discuss how a partnership with HPC can advance your business?
Transitioning ESB to a Brighter Future